3 months. 10+ countries. 3 bags. No cell phone.
Anything you may have just thought has already occurred to me, give or take a few expletives.
While it’s hard to explain the exact purpose of my travels, this is by no means an abbreviated “Eat, Pray, Love” quest.
The closest I’m getting to prayer or religion on this trip was my attempt to keep kosher for Passover while in London. (This decision was made after my body impolitely rejected the airplane food not certified kosher for Passover. I took it as a sign.)
But since “Eat, Pray, Love” seems to be the primary benchmark for lengthy post-college travel abroad, let’s call this an “Eat, Write, Eat Some More, Then Walk…a lot” journey.
Yes, eating does still get top billing. What can I say, I have my priorities.
And for this trip, my priorities are simple: eat great food and try not to be an ugly American as I make my way across Europe.
I hope to entertain everyone with a few good anecdotes from each of the countries I visit. And if not, I am carrying roughly 1/3 of my body weight in luggage, and have yet to buy a cell phone, so I’m bound to make an ass of myself at least once or twice, which in and of itself should make for some good stories.
As of yet, I’m not sure which is going to present the bigger challenge - the luggage or lack of cell phone. On travel days I think it’s the former, but on most days I think it may be the latter.
It has been over a decade since I haven’t been surgically attached to a cell phone. Although I am not experiencing separation anxiety, I am realizing that I’ve forgotten how to function without one.
Sad, but true.
Less than 12 hours into my journey, I faced my first test sans cell phone: finding my travel partner in Heathrow.
Long story short: Technology 1, Lauren 0.
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