Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sooo…How ‘Bout These Past Two Months?

I started writing a new post on Super Bowl Sunday.

March Madness is almost over.

I’m not entirely sure what happened in between.

Thanks to my procrastination, the only evidence of my attempts to write is a number of half-written ramblings that are now about as timely as snow in April.

But, seeing as how it flurried this past weekend, I’m using that as an excuse to emerge from my cyber-hibernation.

So before I move on to more pertinent topics in the coming weeks, here are some random musings from the past two months:
  • Super Bowl commercials have never been the same since the Budweiser frogs were retired.  I really miss those little bastards.
  • It took me six hours to drive four miles during a minor snowstorm, so I think it’s safe to say that in the event of an actual crisis/evacuation, people around DC should just load up on liquor and duct tape (government recommended, idiot approved), because the DC-metro area is totally and completely screwed.
  • Mubarak was quoted as saying, “If I resign today, there will be chaos.”  Right, because when I see mass riots and civil unrest, I think peace.
  • A single woman cannot make judgments about Valentine’s Day without sounding pathetic. I tried. It was a wasted effort.
  • Thank you, Charlie Sheen, for giving us “winning” as the first official catch phrase of 2011.  
  • Thank you, again, Charlie Sheen, for showing us there is a level of crazy higher than “bat shit.”
  • When St. Patrick’s Day and March Madness coincide on a Thursday, it’s like a mini spring break for the employed.
  • In case there were any doubts about the feminization of nature, after the recent tsunami in Japan, I’m pretty sure “Mother Nature” solidified her status as the supreme bitch.
…Just in case anyone needed proof that the title is not mine for the taking.


  1. Very happy to have you and your sarcastic brand of hilarity back in my life!

  2. 'Cybernation': using it to describe my own lack of blog updates... since August. Your attempt at procrastination is PATHETIC compared to my own!
