Let me start off by saying I am a hypocrite. I don’t deny it. I hate blogs for the same reason I hate Twitter and frequent Facebook status updates. I refuse to believe that anyone’s life is so interesting we need to read about it on a daily – or worse, hourly – basis. I figure if my ex had a hard enough time trying to pretend to be interested in my day, why should you have to?
As such, I assure you this will not be a play-by-play of what I do each day between my morning and evening drug cocktails (all legal, but another story for another post). I view this endeavor as an attempt to interrupt the monotony of the day with some sarcasm and hopefully a little humor. If nothing else, this is a way I can (potentially) call myself a writer without feeling like a jackass every time I do so.
In all fairness, I’m actually not that funny. Some of you may be thinking, “No shit.” Have you ever watched a late night host fumble during the opening monologue, try to recover, and fail? That’s the story of my life.
I can play something out perfectly in my head, but it usually results in blank stares and confused looks as I trip over my words. So, instead, I write.
I tend to write what I know. Granted, as I’m only 24 and barely old enough to have a quarter-life crisis, I have a lot left to learn. Like most people my age, I’m still a work in progress. Just ask my mother.
If you’re wondering about the blog title, Just My Mazel was what I planned on titling my nonexistent book. For better or for worse, it’s the phrase that most aptly sums up my life. If you know me (and I assume all of you do, or let's face it, why would you be reading this?), you know it's true.
On a side note, my apologies to any goyim who don’t understand some of the Jewish humor that is or will be in my posts. To educate yourself, watch a couple Ben Stiller movies. Just think of them as CliffsNotes for Judaism.
I digress.
So, after some convincing from a few determined friends, I am moving my witticisms from G-Chat to the blogosphere.
Also, I’m all for commentary, whether praise or constructive criticism. Of course if you’re anything like me, criticism will come out sounding more bitchy than constructive.
However, if you are one of those people who relish the opportunity to bitch and moan every time I make a post, here’s some advice for you: stop reading. Why waste your time reading something that you know is going to piss you off?
Of course I’m not so naïve that I actually believe everyone is going to follow my recommendation. How do I know? It’s just my mazel.
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